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Greetings in the name of Jesus!

Wordwillsave.com has touched more than 100,000 souls since it’s inception.

Firstly I would like to clarify that we are not a part of any Church or Denomination. This is a personal ministry website which I created in 2006 April. God has been merciful and generous in my life and in 2006 I created this website to share the Love of Jesus to the World. I was brought up in a Christian family, I always knew Jesus, but he was more of a distant figure to me, to run in times of trouble or to give reverence and prayers in a ritualistic way.

Then slowly certain things started happening in my life and I must say all were not pleasant, but through these troubles and trials I was being led to Jesus. One particular trial forced me to read the Bible, I started reading word by word, not sentence by sentence, the more I read, the more mesmerized and glued I was to the word of God. Hence the site name “Word Will Save” (which I had created during this particular trial.)

My life has been never the same since I knew Jesus on a personal level. Tears of laughter, tears of sorrow, and times of joy, times of despair but one thing I can count on – I have HOPE! Hope for a better day, hope for a better tomorrow, hope for a promise, hope for eternal LIFE.

Gal 1:23  “But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed.”

I am very glad that the small ministry which God gave has surpassed 40,000 visitors spanning 118 countries

God Bless you






8 Responses

  1. Bro,

    I’d like to download the audio messages of Pastor Mohandass (Temple – Bible Study).
    Would you please help me to do so?


  2. Dear Brother,

    Truly I praise God for He is enabling you to spent time for His ministry. This is really a beneficial portal to people who do not have access to sermons from church. May the good God enable you to shine even more in this ministry.

    A brother in Christ

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