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I have been following the battle for the banning of the DA VINCI CODE and on the eve of the release of this film world wide I would like to say my part.

One of the unique qualities of Jesus Christ during His life on earth was His ability to be silent in the face of false accusation. (In fact false accusation was the ONLY way that they could nail Him to the Cross, in order to fulfill God’s eternal plan of salvation for all humanity).

I believe this is the stance that all Christians require to take. After all Christian means ‘little Christ’ and the very title indicates that we need to emulate Him.

WHAT WOULD JESUS DO if He were here on day of the release of the Da Vinci Code? I believe He would stand silent. He does not need to defend Himself or prove anything to anyone. He is GOD and He is Truth. No one and nothing can change that.

Psalm 2 in the Bible says – Why do the nations rage, and the people plot a vain thing…against the Lord and against His Christ?…He who sits in the heavens shall laugh. The LORD shall hold them in derision….Now therefore, be wise O kings, be instructed you judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son lest He be angry.’

As Christians, our feelings rage when we see our Lord maligned and ridiculed, and it is natural for us to run to His defense. But we must rise from the natural to the supernatural. The Bible says that the ‘reason’ He suffered silently, while committing Himself to Him who judges righteously, was to teach us, His followers, to do the same.

So down through the ages they have thrown us to the lions, burned us at the stake, imprisoned us in solitary confinement and tortured us with unspeakable means for our faith, yet out victory comes in suffering in silence because He taught us how.

Didn’t He rise from the dead and have the last laugh over His enemies? That is also the end result for all those who put their trust in Him. That is the reason He is the one Man in all of history who has influenced the world more widely and deeply than any other.

So I write to all Christians everywhere…the Da Vinci Code will pass, and many more attempts will be made to disprove Jesus and His divinity, but He and we will have the last laugh.

So stand still and see the salvation of our God. We live in time and space, and so we get impatient and restless, but He lives in eternity and even through this He is working out His eternal plans.

Doesn’t it say in Proverbs 15:4 in the Bible, ‘The Lord has made all things for Himself, yes. Even the wicked for the day of doom?’

The Da Vinci Code is just another book, but Jesus Christ is not just another God!

Anne Manning.

Vashi, New Bombay.



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